What You Should Know About Yoni Steaming

What you should know about Yoni Steaming For centuries, people have relied on the extensive knowledge of healers to heal and alleviate suffering occasioned by some conditions in life. They have taught the importance of using herbs to heal common ailments, maintaining vitality, and maintaining fertility among other...

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The Top 5 (or More) Benefits of Calendula Oil Skin Care

Calendula is one of the most powerful skin care products Mother Nature ever designed. Also known as a pot marigold, the benefits of using Calendula oil for skin care are tenfold for aging, wrinkles, scars, and any type of skin ailments.  Calendula officinalis is the Latin name for...

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The 18 Top Benefits Of Rose Water for Beautiful Skin

Women all over the world have been using rose water to keep their skin beautiful from as far back as ancient Egypt. The oldest recorded use of rose water was mentioned in tomes, some 3000 years ago.  Cleopatra was one of the persons quoted as using it as...

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How Chia Seeds Can Help Problem Prone Skin

You can detox your body with a smoothie, and get the same effect as using a colonic or a colon cleanse. However, using a natural way of dispelling the toxins from your body is a better, safer way to keep the body functioning properly.  There are people who...

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